List of useful Contacts for families requiring information
Key agencies Contact Details
Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) is the NSW government agency for services for people with disability in the state. | Referral & Intake & Information of Local/Regional Office |
ASPECT NSW ASPECT is the peak agency for autism spectrum disorders. | ASPECT Infoline 1800277328 |
The Cerebral Palsy Alliance provides services to children, teenagers and adults with cerebral palsy and provides support and assistance for parents and carers. | Contact 1300 888 378 |
Down Syndrome NSW is the peak agency for people with down’s syndrome. | Contact – 02 9841 4444 |
NSW Department of Education & Communities | Contact for Special Education Information – 131 536. |
EnableNSW provides equipment, and in some cases attendant care, to assist eligible residents of NSW with a permanent or long-term disability by providing assistive technology in the areas of mobility, self care, communication, and respiratory support. | ENABLE NSW – 1 800 ENABLE (1 800 362 253) |
The Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS) is a specialist legal advocacy service for people with intellectual disability in New South Wales. It works with and for people with intellectual disability to exercise and advance their rights. | IDRS – 02 9318 0144 |
NSW Council for Intellectual Disability is the peak organisation in NSW representing the interests of people with intellectual disability. Their website contains useful factsheets on many topics. | Contact: 1800 424 065 |
Multicultural Disability, Advocacy Association Inc (MDAA Inc.) is the peak organisation for people from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) with disability, their families and carers in NSW | Phone 02 9891 6400 Toll free 1800 629 072 |
The Commonwealth Respite and Care Link Centres provide respite, information on respite and other services for families.DisabilityCare AustraliaDisabilityCare Australia is the national disability insurance scheme – a new way of providing community linking and individualised support for people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers. This scheme is not currently in operation except in a few sites.
Very Well Health |
Respite and Carelink Centres –Freecall 1800 052 222
Phone: 1800800110
If you need further help, you can always phone any of the people listed on the Samarpan website.